Account Setup

Q. How do I set up an account on

A. It's easy - just place an order, and once you're through Paypal, click "return to Delish Beads."
There's an opportunity to create an account.

Currently, you can't make an account without placing an order. It's a limitation of Shopify, the hosting company we use.

Here - let me show you - 

When you click "checkout," you see this page. Click "Continue as Guest."

Fill in your email, name and address on this page. Click "Continue..."

Choose your shipping method and click "Complete..."

Go through the Paypal payment system. It doesn't matter whether you have a Paypal account or not.

When you're at the end of the Paypal process, you will see this:

This is very important! Click "Return to Delish Beads."

You will then see this screen:

This is where you create your account. Click the button, and enter your password, like so:

Then you're done! You will be able to login with your account. :)